Pada proyek kali ini kami mendapat kesempatan untuk merancang rumah tinggal 2 lantai milik Bapak Ardiyanto. Beliau baru saja pulang ke Indonesia setelah menyelesaikan studi S3 di negeri “Paman Sam”. Saat ini, Bapak Ardiyanto telah berkeluarga dan memiliki 2 putra. Beliau berencana untuk membangun rumah tinggal pribadinya di tanah yang beliau miliki di daerah Ngaglik, Sleman, D.I. Yogyakarta.
In this project, we had the opportunity to design a 2-storey residential house belonging to Mr. Ardiyanto. He has just returned to Indonesia after completing his doctoral studies in the country of “Uncle Sam”. Currently, Mr. Ardiyanto is married and has 2 sons. He plans to build his private residence on the land he owns in the Ngaglik area, Sleman, D.I. Yogyakarta.
Proses desain dimulai dengan kunjungan kami untuk berdiskusi dengan beliau secara langsung di lokasi perancangan. Site berada di ujung jalan pemukiman yang cukup padat, dekat dengan sungai, sehingga memiliki permukaan tanah yang cenderung berkontur. Walaupun demikian, masih terdapat bidang tanah yang cukup lebar di samping site sebelum menyentuh bibir jurang dengan kondisi yang sudah di talud. Sehingga hal ini cukup aman dari posisi rencana dibangunnya rumah. Eksisting site terdapat bangunan 1 lantai yang rencana akan di demolish sehingga asumsi lahan akan kosong, dan bangunan dimulai dari titik awal.
The design process started with our visit to discuss with him directly at the design site. The site is at the end of a fairly dense residential road, close to the river, so it has a land surface that tends to be contoured. However, there is still a fairly wide plot of land next to the site before it hits the edge of the ravine with the condition already in the talud. So it is quite safe from the position of the plan to build the house. The existing site has a 1-story building which is planned to be demolished so that the assumption is that the land will be empty, and the building will start from the starting point.